The Power of Food

Here at DIVRS’s Urban Food Program, we know the value of food. It nourishes - it keeps us healthy in body and mind.

Food is something we can share around a table. It brings us closer together.

Food has the power to lift spirits and create happy memories, even when we burn the toast.

Access to food is a human right. It must be sustainable and fair.

And that’s why we know throwing away perfectly good food is not just a waste, it is a lost opportunity.


There is enough food to go around if we put our minds to it. There is every reason to produce our own food locally, to share with our friends and neighbours.

With our Urban Food Program we use four parcels of local land to harvest fruit and veg, cut back waste and spread the power of food. We do this through:

  • Darebin Urban Growers

  • Darebin Fruit Squad

All our programs are powered by volunteers like you. It’s a little backyard community where people know your name and value your passion for growing, gardening, eating and sharing.

We’d love to welcome you to our backyard soon.